terça-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2016

Excellence is not an act, but a habit

What is the one thing that you have been meaning to achieve for the past year but never quite got around to? Sometimes all we need is a bit of inspiration to kick start us into action.

All you need to do is pick a goal, something you want to accomplish, and turn it into an amazing success with the help of some rousing words from the likes of Aristotle, Benjamin Franklin and Maya Angelou (your awesome spirit guides).
Contemplation: What do you want to achieve?
Okay, so maybe you got to this stage all by yourself and could do with moving on. But contemplation is an important step. You need to decide where you want to go and why!
Preparation: Plan and commit to your goal
Even if you’re eager to start right away, take some time, make a plan with lots of details and steps so you reach little goals on your way to success. Because, after all…
Action: Implement your plan and make the change
You can only hope to succeed if you get started! Now all you have to do is to take the first step and you’re on your way. Planning is fine, a to-do list is great, but...
Maintenance: Keep it up!
Remind yourself every day why you’re doing this and keep your focus on the goal. Even the best athletes, musicians and scientists didn’t get to where they are over night! What’s that you say, Aristotle?
Hurdles: You might fall down, but you will get back up!
Nothing great has ever been achieved without some kind of failure along the way, so pick yourself back up and get on with it, because after all…
(We’re also not sure whether Disraeli has been misquoted here and actually meant to say "iversity", but we’ll give him the benefit of the doubt this time…)
Achieving a long-term goal is one of the greatest feelings in the world. Well done! Take some time to enjoy it and look back on what you have achieved. Feels good, doesn’t it?

From Iversity.

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